Wookiees Galore!

Wookiee Warrrios Unit Expansion Box

The new Dual Faction Wookiee Warriors expansion got some amazing new previews from Atomic Mass Games! Star Wars Legion might well be on it’s way to a sort of Wookiee Sub-Faction!

Wookiee Warriors – Kashyyk Defenders Units Card

The new Kashyyk Defenders unit card offers a new way to run wookiees, trading in black dice for white, but gaining range 3, and losing their melee benefits and a training slot, but gaining Sharpshooter 1. Combine this with some new heavy weapon options and we might get some really cool new options!

Wookiee Chieftan Unit Card

The wookiees also get a “Wookiee Chieftan” commander card. This card is unique, which might seem strange for a non-named character, but it boasts some very nice well rounded stats that should serve as a capable mid-level commander.

Wookiee Upgrade Card Spread

We’re also getting new command cards, a Long Gun wookiee, and a new upgrade called “Into the Fray”. These are still shrouded in Mystery.

Yoda’s Card Spread

Yoda will also be coming with a new way to run your existing Chewbacca miniature – this time as a commander for the Republic! While this expansion does NOT include a Chewbacca it will offer a new unit card and a new command card, (Which appears to be a 2-pip).

We also seem to be getting a host of new upgrades, such as “Protector” and “Burst of Speed” here too! Curious to see what these do. Will burst of speed be a force power that might also help Vader, Palpatine, and Luke? Will Protector be a guardian boost that also helps Royal Guard? Let’s wait and see!

A Forgotten Dream

Would you like to play a game? A Forgotten Dream is a brand new experience unlike anything I’ve ever done before! It’s an interactive adventure that you help contribute to directly!

Each chapter will follow a team of heroes through their adventures in the Star Wars Universe – and in much the same way that you would make choices in a Role Playing Game, you can leave character choices in the comments!

RPG-Level Supporters on Patreon can also add suggestions and will vote on multiple choices after each chapter! Then everyone gets to watch the next episode and vote on more choices! Where will the story take us?

The story so far:

Your team was contacted by Axe Lorras, a VIP of the Disphasia Fabric Company. He hired the whole team for a top secret mission to the forbidden world of Geonosis, to collect Geonosian Silk – a material so rare, you’ve never even heard of it before. He also wanted you to be on alert for “Anything else that looks valuable” – whatever that might mean. The team suspects that Disphasia Fabric Company deals in more than just fabric. The team arrived on Geonosis without incident – and upon finding a warehouse with some interesting containers and still-active computer terminals, the team was interrupted with a flash of light! Suddenly Imperial Stormtroopers had them surrounded and stun bolts were fired from all directions.

Somebody set the group up….