Dungeons & Dragons Onslaught!

Ok I’ve been waiting for this game forever and it’s finally here!

Core Set Unboxing Video

It’s such a unique experience and something I’ve been wanting for a long time! Most Dungeon Crawl games are cooperative, but not Onslaught! In this game it’s team versus Team, both competing for the treasures in a deep dark dungeon! But there are also monsters! You’ll have to decide on weather to attack the monsters, to seek the treasure, or to attack the other team directly! Add in the ability to level up mid-game and to use once or twice per game temporary abilities and you have some really tense and dynamic moments that can make your games memorable and fun!

Many Arrows Faction Pack Unboxing Video

In addition to the 2 factions in the fore set, more faction packs are available as well! I’m eagerly looking forward to what comes next for this game!

Red Wizards Faction Pack Unboxing

Check them out here: https://shop.wizkids.com/collections/onslaught

Shatterpoint! A New Star Wars Game!

2023 is going to bring us a brand new Star Wars Tabletop game: Star Wars Shatterpoint!

Star Wars Shatterpoint Core Set

In what looks to be a scale with slightly larger miniatures than Star Wars Legion, Star Wars Shatterpoint boasts several new characters not yet seen on our tabletops, and a close quarters skirmish game that aims to bring it’s own ruleset and experience to your tabletop!

Larger Miniatures, Dynamic Poses, and familiar bases remind us of Marvel Crisis Protocol’s tabletop appeal.

With it’s own unique art style, Shatterpoint looks to include only characters featured in The Clone Wars, marking this as the first ever Star Wars game NOT to lead with Luke Skywalker facing off against Darth Vader! While information is still fairly limited, we do know that many Clone Wars characters are also coming with the game’s launch, such as Ahsoka Tano, Lord Maul, Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, Jango Fett, Count Dooku, General Grievous, and Assaj Ventress. Other confirmed characters to be coming in future expansions include Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, and Padme Amidala.

Here I talk about what we know so far about Star Wars Shatterpoint

Star Wars Shatterpoint is expected to launch in the Summer of 2023 with the first demo opportunities to be at Adepticon of 2023. More information will be available soon, so stay tuned!

AMG Misprints – Can it be fixed?

AMG has been having a rough time lately with near constant errors and misprints in many of their recent releases for titles like Legion, Armada, and X-Wing. With a recent vow to do better and some personnel helping out with social media, it looks like they are pledging to make things better in the future. But will it be enough?

AMG recently issued the following notice to their social media with regards to the many errors with the Legion Battle Packs. They offered Print and Play documents on their website to address corrections and items that were left out. And while this effort was addressing the 501st and Separatist Invasion packs, the other Battle Forces have had mistakes as well.

AMG Issued this notice with regards to the errors and missing parts of the recent Legion Battle Force packs.

The Battle Force Packs aren’t the only issues AMG has had with it’s Star Wars titles. Earlier Legion waves have had misprinted cards, cards not included, incorrect basing on the box art, and even “Marvel” printed on Din Djarin and Grogu’s model sprue, in place of Lucasfilm. These types of issues aren’t only for Legion either. X-Wing’s first Scenario Pack “The Battle of Yavin” has multiple misprints and even Armada’s digital-only release “Rapid Reinforcements I” had digital errata shortly after release to correct some significant mistakes.

While it is certainly problematic to have this many errors – we can also recognize that they have acknowledged that there are problems and are pledging to do better. Time will have to tell. How do you think AMG will do in 2023?

A Recent Livestream where we talked about these very issues.

Armada Ship Breakdowns!

I’ve been running a series of Ship Breakdowns for Star Wars Armada – covering every single ship in the game! What is your favorite faction? Favorite ship? I’ve probably covered it! I’m hoping to have the whole series done by the end of the year! Maybe some squadron breakdowns in 2023? Legion Breakdowns soon too?

Here’s the whole playlist!

Rapid Reinforcements I : A Print and Play Wave for Star Wars Armada!

Atomic Mass Games shocked the world today with the surprise announcement, and immediate release of their first “Rapid Reinforcements” wave. The “1” at the end implies this is the first of multiple waves of similar content. While this wave is print and play and does not imply any physical product, it is done so in a near perfect format – giving each new faction a new ship by way of “borrowing” another faction’s ship and using a new print and play card!

Imperial Venator
Rebel Providence
Republic Victory
Separatist Gozanti

Additionally, there are three new squadrons. Strangely, there isn’t a new squadron for the separatists – but I’m sure there is room for that in the future!

Darth Vader in TIE Defender
Hera Syndulla in X-Wing
Anakin Skywalker in Delta-7 Aethersprite

Here is the link to the original PDF: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ce432b1f9d2be000134d8ae/t/624f2ae59745aa6b7ca3fcb4/1649355498365/SWM_RapidReinforcements_01_1.1.pdf

2022 Star Wars Legion Buyer’s Guides

New player looking to get started in Star Wars Legion? Or just looking to grow your collection? In this series of videos, recently updated for 2022, I will cover the basics of what to buy first, when on a budget for Star Wars Legion – sorted by faction!

Naturally you’ll want to pick a faction first – so weather you prefer the Rebels, The Empire, The Galactic Republic, or the Separatist Alliance, there’ s a guide below for you!


Hope these help! If you have further questions, don’t forget to join our Discord here!

Epic Lightsaber Giveaway! 50K Subscriber Celebration!

To celebrate the epic milestone of hitting 50,000 subscribers on YouTube, I’m doing something special! I’m giving away a lightsaber! Well, it’s actually an amazon giftcard that you can use to get a lightsaber! The gift card is in the amount of $250, and will digitally sent to the winner! How do you enter to win?

-Be a subscriber to Crabbok on Youtube!

-Ensure your subscriptions are not hidden – I can only select a winner if their subscriptions are public!

-Leave a comment on one of my videos! Multiple comments are ok too! It also counts if your comment is a reply to someone else’s comment!

Here’s a video about the giveaway!

50K Lightsaber Giveaway Video

The winner will be announced during the week of December 19th – 25th at some point during one of my videos. If you win, you’ll have to send me an e-mail at mailcrabbok@gmail.com to claim your winnings! As always, any prizes not claimed within 30 days are forfeit.

Good luck! Let’s shoot for 100K next!

No More Armada? Or Just a Pause?

AMG Released this statement on August 20th, 2021. They’ve had Armada since November 2020. They haven’t worked on anything for Armada yet, and don’t plan to now. But maybe they will someday. I’ll admit I was hit VERY hard when I saw this – I was also already struggling with some internal issue that particular Friday, so when this showed up I almost broke. So what does this announcement mean?

First the bad. There isn’t any new product now, soon, or even next year. They don’t have any experienced Armada developers on board and just had 3 games fall into their lap. This isn’t AMG’s fault – but they do have to react to it. They chose not to prioritize making new content for Armada. It’s a tough pill for Armada fans like myself to swallow, but it’s also the facts. And even if they do get things stable enough to devote some time to Armada development by 2022 or 2023… the turnaround time between starting a wave, and it hitting store shelves is typically around 2 years. So it could be 2024 or later before we have any brand new Armada ships in our hands.

Next the mediocre. They are still supporting the game through organized play and reprints. This is significant in that it’s NOT the same treatment games like the Star Wars LCG and Destiny received. It does however resemble Imperial Assault, in some ways, however Imperial Assault has very separate challenges. The good news is that Imperial Assault is still being printed, still gets played, and is also currently expecting new product, as Steve Horvath mentioned back in 2020 – “Imperial Assault’s Story is not finished”. Armada hitting a developmental pause does not mean the end.

The GOOD part. Perspective is important right now. Armada is already used to only 1 ship a year. We’ve seen it with the SSD and similar situations. The game is VERY solid and has a dedicated playerbase. But the key here is that we JUST got so much. First, we got a 1.5 Ruleset, which made some significant changes to the rules, including points updates, and card errata. These changes were also represented in the upgrade card expansion. All the old stuff is new again! That’s years and years of content that’s ripe to go re-explore! Plus we got The Clone Wars! 2 new factions, 4 ships per faction, squadrons, and even more new upgrades, many of which can be used across all 4 factions. Seriously there are so many builds, combos, and changes – it may actually take Armada players 3-4 years to try out all the new ships, commanders, and upgrades!

Our community is strong, and I’ll keep creating content. There’s a plan already in place if the game gets cancelled or support otherwise ends. There’s also tons of homebrew to satisfy those eager for even more content as well. I would urge you to explore the game as it is however, rather than dive to deep into fan made content, as there’s probably TONS of options you hadn’t even considered yet!

This game is pure gold. And it absolutely is NOT dead.

Fantasy Flight Miniatures

Back in early 2020, after massive layoffs, Steve Horvath gave an interview with Team Covenant at the GAMA Trade Show to address the future of Asmodee North America and FFG. He talked about Atomic Mass Games, the RPGs moving to Edge, and gave the first hints of FFG separating it’s board and card games and it’s miniatures games. The Miniatures games were separated into a new studio called Fantasy Flight Miniatures.

My conception of what the FFM logo may have looked like.

They worked for nearly all of 2020 on products for games like X-Wing, Armada, and Legion. Many of the expansions that are coming out now, have John Shaffer listed as “Head of Studio”. This might have surprised some as FFG’s Head of Studio has been Chris Gerber since Andrew Navaro left at the end of 2019. John Shafer was in fact head of studio for Fantasy Flight Miniatures, a dedicated gaming studio.

It is strange, that in November of 2020 this studio was dissolved and everyone was told that they were merging into Atomic Mass Games, under the guise of “Needing a dedicated miniatures studio”. Why not simply have FFM absorb Atomic Mass Games? We talk about this in the latest episode of Double Crit!

Wookiees Galore!

Wookiee Warrrios Unit Expansion Box

The new Dual Faction Wookiee Warriors expansion got some amazing new previews from Atomic Mass Games! Star Wars Legion might well be on it’s way to a sort of Wookiee Sub-Faction!

Wookiee Warriors – Kashyyk Defenders Units Card

The new Kashyyk Defenders unit card offers a new way to run wookiees, trading in black dice for white, but gaining range 3, and losing their melee benefits and a training slot, but gaining Sharpshooter 1. Combine this with some new heavy weapon options and we might get some really cool new options!

Wookiee Chieftan Unit Card

The wookiees also get a “Wookiee Chieftan” commander card. This card is unique, which might seem strange for a non-named character, but it boasts some very nice well rounded stats that should serve as a capable mid-level commander.

Wookiee Upgrade Card Spread

We’re also getting new command cards, a Long Gun wookiee, and a new upgrade called “Into the Fray”. These are still shrouded in Mystery.

Yoda’s Card Spread

Yoda will also be coming with a new way to run your existing Chewbacca miniature – this time as a commander for the Republic! While this expansion does NOT include a Chewbacca it will offer a new unit card and a new command card, (Which appears to be a 2-pip).

We also seem to be getting a host of new upgrades, such as “Protector” and “Burst of Speed” here too! Curious to see what these do. Will burst of speed be a force power that might also help Vader, Palpatine, and Luke? Will Protector be a guardian boost that also helps Royal Guard? Let’s wait and see!