
We did it! Thanks to all of you the channel has crossed over the 40,000 subscriber mark! Thank you all so much! To each of you who has been a part of the first 40 K, and to all of you who will be part of the next 40K – you have enriched my life and I am so grateful!

So what now?

I’ve got some new giveaways planned! In addition to announcing that I’m doing my ARC Trooper giveaway, (See the Giveaways section), I’m also going to be doing 12 Days of Life Day again this December – more giveaways for subscribers! Lots of them!

And more games! In addition to Blood and Plunder I’ll be covering Oak and Iron, and naturally, this was also a great time to begin my journey into Warhammer 40,000! I know very little about 40K but I figured this was a good time! Here’s my first Warhammer 40K video!

Exclusive Crabbok Token!

Luxury Playstyle has worked with me to create a new Exclusive “Crabbok” token!

Featuring Lightsaber Nunchucks, and a C on the front, with a 5 on the back, this new token can work in any of your games!

X-Wing – Mark a Critical Hit

Armada – Mark you Flagship or where you Commander is.

Legion – Mark you Commander.

Star Wars RPG – Help invite some random choices! Light Side vs Dark Side, or use as an alternate destiny point!

More! Any games that count Damage – Use the C’s as 1 Damage and the 5 side as a 5 Damage marker!

The 5 Side on the back changes things to the Dark Side – With Force Lightning coming out of the Lightsaber Nunchucks!

How do I get one?

Any order placed at www.luxuryplaystyle.com using my discount Code CRABBOKVIP that totals $35 or more will automatically grant you one free token while supplies last!

Additionally – Patrons at the X-Wing level or higher, who have been a patron for 3 months or longer will get one in December as a Holiday gift. I’ll also be offering some of these coins in occasionally giveaways, so stay alert!

Here’s a video showing them in more detail!

Darth Maul and Anakin Skywalker talk with Legion Developer Luke Eddy!

Luke Eddy sat down with me to discuss all the new stuff announced for Star Wars Legion! We focused alot of the time on Maul and Anakin – but there is also talk of the specialists packs, and points changes and all things Legion!

Interview with Luke Eddy

In addition to learning that Maul doesn’t actually have a flaw card – (We thought he did but it was actually a printing error), we also learn some details about the Sith Probe droids – including their unit type is actually Special Forces – which may force some CIS players to make some tough choices with BX droids coming out soon.

Huge thanks to FFG and to Luke for taking the time and making this possible!

X-Wing Wave 7 and 8 Interview with Max Brooke from FFG!

I had the good fortune to be able to sit down with Max Brooke , X-Wing Developer from Fantasy Flight Games, and discuss X-Wing’s new expansions, Wave 7, 7.1, and Wave 8! We also discussed some of the new things that were recently changed during the most recent points update, as well as some changes that are coming in the fall!

For those unable to watch at the moment, here is a brief summary –

– Overview and comments on each ship, from Wave 7 to Wave 8.

– Some clarification on Side-Sloop – Max explains the angles and that you cannot slide backward.

– Some talk about the new points update and changes to the format, including the Extended column – turns out there are no current plans to remove ships from extended.

– New Keywords! Such as Light Side and Dark Side – In the next point supdate they talk about how these will be hooks that other cards and list-building stuff will reference. They won’t have innate abilities however. Some new KeyWords are related to ship types, others are related to pilots. Some examples are “TIE”, “X-Wing”, “A-Wing”, “Droid” etc.

– New Keywords allow them to adjust certain things – like for example if Mandalorian Seas 2 shows a main character to secretly have been a Droid all along, they can go back and give him/her the “Droid” keyword retroactively. Which also strongly suggests Mandalorian content coming (Although not directly confirmed).

There is a whole lot more in the video! I encourage you to watch!

Gen Con 2020 – The Digital Version!

Gen Con has come and gone – and with it tons of new information! Some of it I was able to Live Stream – and other parts I’ll still be breaking down over the coming weeks and even months!. Lets talk about some highlights!


X-Wing had a few spoilers from Wave 7, but also the official reveal of Wave 7.1, which consists of 2 more expansions – the TIE/rb Brute, and the Heralds of Hope Aces pack, which contains 2 T-70 X-Wings and an RZ-2 A-Wing for the Resistance. Additionally we saw a preview of Wave 8, which is all Clone Wars oriented. Jango Fett’s Slave-1, the Tri Fighter, along with the Eta-2 and V-Wing! Plus we know there are more Aces packs planned for the future!


Legion didn’t see as much as many had hoped, but it wasn’t without news. The reveal of Anakin Skywalker and Darth Maul showcased some great sculpts and some new mechanics! And the Clone Wars factions also got their Specialists expansions previewed! This is great news for Clone Wars players! Best of all, there was a confirmation that the next 4 expansions are all Empire and Rebels!


The Clone Wars has begun! We’ve learned that the new single faction starters will be $99 but will also come with 1 medium and 2 small ships, along with everything else you need to get started included 4 squadrons. We got some previews of upgrades, ship cards, squadrons, and also the other packs. The Upgrade Card Collection will have every card in the game, re-sized, and updated – to include both points adjustments and errata. The dial expansion exists mostly because future ship expansions won’t come with command dials or speed dials anymore.

More Games!

X-Men were big this year! Both in Atomic Mass Games’ Marvel Crisis protocol, and with Mutant Insurrection from FFG. Twilight Imperium 4th Edition had a new Expansion announced too!

Stay tuned for more news!

Episode 7!

Double Critial Episode 7 is up! This time we’re talking all about the Empire Strikes Back! (Yes I realize the irony that in the episode number doesn’t correspond to the film’s episode number).

Legion AI Battle!

Managed to get a Legion AT Battle in the other day!

If you haven’t already, check out the AI system that is available for free here! It’s not meant to be exactly the same as a human opponent, but will certainly give you the chance to try some lists out when you can’t play with another person face to face!

I set up a double AT-ST list for the AI to use against my Rebel hero list! I gave the Imperials an extra 100 points since they had Vader as their commander. It was very Hoth inspired.

The AI instructed the AT-ST’s to move a bit more than I might have otherwise done if I was in control of them, but that also put them closer to my deployment zone, and it was breakthrough so that’s where they eventually wanted to be.

It was a fun battle – here’s a link to the entire thing!

Double Starhawk Battle!

Social Distancing has been really making me miss Armada! Thankfully I’ve got the Armada AI System that allows for solo play!

I gave the Rebels an extra 100 points, and ran an Arquitens based fleet, complete with Enhanced Armament and Darth Vader as a commander.

The AI doesn’t exactly fly an Arquitens Conga Line the same way I do – it tended to launch the ships directly at the enemy.

The Quasar, carrying Darth Vader, ended up speeding up to speed 3 and trying to run right past my fleet, leaving it’s squadrons behind!

Lot’s of squadrons were slugging it out, while double arc’d ships tried the same!

Here is a full video battle report if you are interested!

Jabba did Nothing Wrong!

Return of the Jedi. The third Star Wars film, yet the sixth Episode in the Skywalker Saga. My favorite Star Wars movie hands down… mostly because it was the first one I have coherent memories of.

It also happens to be the subject of our sixth episode of Double Critical – where Sean and I take another look at this movie and try to decide what from this movie could still come to Star Wars Legion.

I also noticed some interesting things during yet another watching of this movie – notable how Luke is incredibly aggressive in this film, breaking into Jabba’s Palace, using force choke, and trying to murder Jabba in his own home… we talk about this and more in Episode 6!