Return of the Jedi. The third Star Wars film, yet the sixth Episode in the Skywalker Saga. My favorite Star Wars movie hands down… mostly because it was the first one I have coherent memories of.
It also happens to be the subject of our sixth episode of Double Critical – where Sean and I take another look at this movie and try to decide what from this movie could still come to Star Wars Legion.
I also noticed some interesting things during yet another watching of this movie – notable how Luke is incredibly aggressive in this film, breaking into Jabba’s Palace, using force choke, and trying to murder Jabba in his own home… we talk about this and more in Episode 6!
Double Critical is back with Episode 5! This time we’re going over Rogue One. We know there’s already alot of stuff from Rogue One in Legion – so we’re looking at what else from the film could make it into the game!
Had a fun time pulling out the airbrush and repainting one of my two Starhawks this weekend!
Started out with a grey prime and then taped off a few areas that I wanted to stay grey/black. Then I did a few types of blue, a darker base, and a lighter blue at an angle to give some depth to the paneling and greebles. Next step was a wash in the grey areas. Then to start a few grey panels as well.
After some more panels colored in, I got the engines and a few other areas with more of a greenish blue. The last detail was the lights. I always like to add lots of tiny lights on board a ship to make it look more alive!
In addition to the engines being the blue green hue, I also did the Magnite generator on the front as well!
COVID-19 has certainly been interesting, and the resulting social distancing has forced alot of gamers to have to stay home and rely on computers and internet-based gaming to suffice. I’ve been taking this time to do more with my AI systems and fine tune some of my solo gaming systems.
Running an AI game with the Deep Space Station, I wanted to try something new. In this scenario, the rebels have to get two boarding teams aboard to successfully retake control of the station and claim victory! These boarding teams cannot however, board the station while the shields are still up though, so you’ll need to weaken at least one section enough to get your boarding teams through!
I also tried another tweak to the Armada AI system, which is to allow for 3 vetos during the game, in which I may override the AI’s decision. This is an optional rule I’m working with, similar to a rule I’ve made for the Legion AI system, that gives the player limited control over the potential bad choices the AI might be forced to do.
I decided to go with about 700 points for the Empire, which includes the station – vs 400 points for the Rebels. And considering the AI has performed poorly in the past. There is currently a battle report video of the game available in early access on my Patreon page for A-Wing supporters and higher!
In this episode we’re talking about 2 completely different subjects! Terrain, AND Lando! Why both? Because it’s the Double Critical! Honestly I didn’t think Lando could fill an entire episode on his own so that’s actually the more serious reason!
The COVID-19 lockdown has us all going sitr crazy! To help pass the time, I’ve been playing more AI games. If you aren’t familiar, you can find my Armada AI system here.
The AI system is amazing for simply passing the time for the sake of fun! This makes it especially fun for huge crazy pitched battles! I wanted to battle two Super Star Destroyers and decided to use the second base that comes with the SSD to support my Bellator model from Mel’s Miniatures.
The results were spectacular!
This was a 400 point fleet for me, facing off against over 1,000 points of Huge Ship AI! Now granted, my AI isn’t exactly the smartest opponent, but it is unpredictable and that can be exciting!
While I’d have liked to test it a bit more before release, I figured this was a really good time to finally release my Legion AI v1.0 so everyone can have some fun playing legion at home!
Got to check out the new Command Center from LV-427 Designs! This one is very reminiscent of the classic Rebel War Room look we saw on Yavin 4 in both Rogue One and Episode 4.
In this video I take a closer look at the Command Center, and as a special treat we look at the connector to the Imperial Bunker, plus a few extra corridor types!