I made a video about a Prime at Serenity Games in Florida for this weekend. The first place prize was a box to hold miniatures, and it was “Supposed” to come with 2 foam trays. The first place winner opted to give the box to my friend Sean, who took 2nd. The Judge for the tournament told us that when he opened the box there was only one tray, and he wasn’t sure what happened. It was suggested Sean could contact FFG for a replacement tray or something similar.
Those of us who were still there were talking about the situation and how the box looked strange with all that empty space in there. We verified on FFG’s announcement page that it was indeed supposed to come with two foam trays. We all began to speculate as to what happened to the foam tray, because the Judge appeared to have only opened the box with prizes at the end of the night, yet the box was behind the counter of the store throughout the day – so we wondered if someone wandered over and snatched something out during the day.
So in my video I talked about this. I speculated that perhaps someone stole the tray. I was wrong. Nobody stole the tray. I’ve since edited my video to remove the remarks.
It turns out every tray shipped from FFG with only one foam tray. We certainly didn’t know that at the time. And the way it was explained to us at the tournament, seemed to imply that the Judge was just as surprised as we were, (Which is why several of us suspected someone ELSE got into the prize support box when nobody was looking).
Anyhow, I’m sorry if it looked like I may have said that the store did something shifty. I didn’t mean to suggest that. I honestly thought that someone broke into the box and snatched it. I apologize to Serenity Games. It’s a cool store, with a very nice setup, and they ran a fine event. Would go again.